5 Selectboard members:
BOARD MEMBER - Shelli Dunklee Harvey (2026)
Email: selectboard-e@vernonvt.org
Phone: (802) 257-1433
TO EMAIL THE FULL BOARD: selectboard@vernonvt.org Note: Under the open meeting law, the board will not respond or hold discussions in group emails to messages sent to this email address.
Regular Selectboard Meetings
First and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Selectboard Room, lower level of the Town Offices. Additional meetings are scheduled as necessary. Meetings are open to the public and handicapped-accessible. Meetings are also video-recorded for broadcast on Brattleboro Community Television.
During 2020 and through June of 2021, the Board met only via Zoom, not in person, in compliance with COVID-19 directives of the State. As of July 2021, the Board has resumed meeting in person and, for regular meetings also including Zoom access as a convenience to residents. The Zoom meeting ID is normally 845 4632 0660, password Vernon. Check the meeting agenda as sometimes a different ID is used.
Minutes are available online at this website and via the BCTV website’s Vernon Selectboard page.