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Interim Treasurer



Phone: (802) 257-0292 ext. 23



Assistant Treasurer



Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
There is a separate entrance on the west side of the town hall and the doors are open by appointment.

The Treasurer is an elected position; the term is three years. The Assistant Treasurer is appointed by the Treasurer.

The Treasurer maintains the town’s accounts, invests money (with the approval of the Selectboard), keeps a record of the taxes voted and pays orders drawn. See our town reports and audit reports for detailed town financial reports.

Property taxes are paid three times per year, with payment dates in September, January and May. Taxes should be paid to the Town Treasurer on or before the due dates shown on your tax bill. Only one tax bill is mailed, generally in August. If you are expecting a bill and have not yet received one, please contact the Treasurer’s office immediately.



*****Delinquent Taxes can’t be paid through the online portal on the Town of Vernon website and must be paid to the Delinquent Tax Collector Marylynn Scherlin, email: phone# 802-275-3955*****