Road Commissioner

Highway map
Vermont Department of Transportation Town Highway Map
Road names map
Windham Regional Commission Road Names Map of Vernon (updated 2019)
Speed limit and stop sign ordinance (An amended version of this ordinance was adopted Feb. 16, 2021 and takes effect after 60 days if no petition is filed to refer the question to the voters.)
The highway department garage is located at 2585 Fort Bridgman Road (Route 142). The Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance, repair and construction of town highways and highway facilities, including bridges and culverts. (This excludes Route 142, and a small portion of Route 5 which is in Vernon, which are state highways and maintained by the state.)
Please be in touch with issues such as downed trees, damaged signs, or potholes, and we will do our best to address them. And feel free to contact us with any other road-related problems or concerns.
Overweight vehicle permits may be downloaded here or obtained at the Town Clerk's office. The cost $10 per year for a fleet or $5 per year per individual truck to use the town roads for overweight vehicle travel. Each permit allows the recipient an unlimited number of trips.
Driveway permits: A permit is required for a new driveway on a Town road from the town Road Commissioner.
The Highway Department reminds residents that no one other than authorized town or state employees, in the performance of their official duties, may plow or deposit snow onto the traveled way, shoulder, or sidewalk of state highways or town roads. This is prohibited under Vermont law (23 V.S.A. § 1126a).
Also, the Highway Department asks all landowners and renters not to fill in or dump materials of any kind into the town ditches or over town right of way banks. This impedes water flow, which could cause roads to wash out.