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Vernon Selectboard Meeting September 15, 2020

Here is the Selectboard meeting held on September 15, 2020.  Scroll down for an annotated agenda. Minutes will be here when available.

I. Call to Order
0:00:08 – Regular Meeting / Welcome /Pledge of Allegiance
0:00:31 – Additions to the Agenda
0:01:03 – Chairs Remarks
0:01:18 – Open Public Comments (Agenda items only)

II. Department/Committee Report
0:01:30 – A. Gordon Christiansen: Edward Jones

0:05:54 – B. Update from Mark Snow and David Emery on COVID 19 situation

1:59:08 – C. Fire Department Personnel Update: Chief Todd Capen

0:10:54 – D. Board of Civil Authority: Request Legal Representation for Two Upcoming Court Cases: Sandra Harris

0:11:45 – III. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 1, 2020 6:30 p.m.

0:13:04 – IV. Treasurer’s Report
Bills and Warrants

V. New Business
0:13:50 – A. Discussion regarding requests to reopen Town Hall

0:33:08 – B. Vernon Fire Department Service Reimbursement Ordinance

0:37:46 – C. Vermont Public Land Purchase Presentation: Jane Lazorchak and Aaron Hurst

1:05:30 – D. Directive to all Town of Vernon Committees: Mission & Objectives by January 31, 2021

VI. Old Business
1:09:02 – A. Solid Waste Committee Objectives & Expectations
1:09:29 – B. Town of Vernon Committee and Board Transparency
1:29:10 – C. Town Official Website: Comparison of RFQ’s

1:48:34 – D. Discussion of traffic study and VTrans Grant and plan

2:07:33 – VII. Public Participation (non-agenda items only)

2:09:42 – VIII.Correspondence

IX. Town Administrator Report
2:10:38 – A. Completion of Parks & Rec. Grant

2:11:16 – B. Reminder of Budget Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday, September 16th

2:11:34 – C. Boiler RFQ’s for tune-up and use of new HVAC Service

2:11:52 – D. Gathering RFQ’s for Lawn Service

2:12:49 – X. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 6:30 p.m. Special Budget Meeting

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 6:30 p.m. Special Budget Meeting

Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:30 p.m.

2:14:57 – XI. Adjournment