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Selectboard Meeting May 5, 2020

Here is the video of the May 5, 2020 Selectboard meeting.  Minutes are available here. Scroll down for time-stamped agenda.

00:08 – Call to Order
00:26 – Additions to Agenda
00:36 – Guests
03:16 – Chair’s Remarks
03:28 – Open Public Comments
04:45 – Department Reports: Update on COVID-19
16:55 – Department Reports: Bid openings
26:45 – New Business: Wage Payments during COVID-19 emergency
43:48 – New Business: Update on Tee-shirt Fund Raiser
47:37 – Approval of Minutes
48:01 – Treasurer’s Report: Bills and Warrants
48:49 – New Business: Special Mtg Update
55:35 – New Business: Town Policies Update
57:25 – New Business: Address Addendum 11 Governor’s Directives
1:06:37 – New Business: Inventory at North School
1:10:40 – New Business: Joint Meeting with Planning Commission
1:17:19 – New Business: HIstorical Church Plaque
1:19:22 – Old Business: Stair Replacement Bid
1:22:18 – New Business: Use of Town Office Lawn for 2020 Graduation
1:35:56 – New Business: UPdate on Town Hall Use during COVID-19
1:38:16 – Executive Session: Personnel