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Selectboard Meeting, January 7, 2020

Here’s BCTV’s video of the January 7, 2020 meeting of the Selectboard. Minutes are available here. Scroll down for time-stamped agenda.

00:08 – Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance
00:26 – Additions to Agenda
01:26 – Chair’s Remarks
01:28 – Open Public Comments (Agenda Items Only)
02:19 – Guests
07:08 – Department/Committee Report
07:16 – Approval of Minutes
09:39 – Treasurer’s Report
10:24 – Executive Session: Employee Related Issue
11:24 – Rise from Executive Session
11:54 – Old Business: Salvage Yard Permit
22:03 – New Business: Accept Resignations from Solid Waste Committee
22:46 – New Business: Solid Waste and Recycling Bids
56:00 – New Business: Girl Scout Request
56:24 – New Business: Communications Union District (CUD)
1:00:30 – New Business: Sign Annual Mileage Certificate
1:02:36 – Old Business: Policy to Bill for Emergency Services
1:10:30 – Old Business: Travel/Reimbursement Policy
1:13:12 – Old Business: Ordinance Enforcement
1:14:16 – Public Participation (non-Agenda Items Only)
1:16:30 – Executive Session
1:18:29 – Rise from Executive Session
1:18:36 – Correspondence/Town Administrator’s Report
1:18:58 – Upcoming Meetings