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Selectboard Meeting February 18, 2020

Here is the Vernon Selectboard Meeting of February 18, 2020. Minutes available here. Scroll Down for time-stamped agenda.

00:00:09 Call to Order
00:00:10 Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
00:00:34 Additions to the Agenda
00:01:02 Chairs Remarks – Introduction of the Interim TownAdministrator/Acknowlegeem
00:02:40 Approval of Minutes
00:06:16 Treasurer’s Report/Bills and Warrants
00:06:50 New Business
00:07:00 I. Clarification of the Solid Waste Article for Publication
00:12:55 III. Accept Resignation of Christopher Parker from the Rescue, Inc. Board
00:13:30 IV. Appointment of Jamez Jobin to the Rescue, Inc. Board
00:13:50 V. Fundraiser for Kelly Wunsch
00:18:25 Correspondence
00:19:16 Upcoming Meeting Schedule
I. Town Meeting – March 02, 2020 – 6:30 p.m.
II. Reorganization Meeting – March 03, 2020 – After vote count
00:19:26 Adjournment