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Selectboard Meeting August 18, 2020

Here is the Selectboard meeting from August 18, 2020. Minutes are here.   Scroll down for a time-stamped agenda.

I. Call to Order
0:00:08 – Regular Meeting / Welcome /Pledge of Allegiance

0:00:48 – Additions to the Agenda

0:01:07 – Chairs Remarks

0:24:50 – Open Public Comments (Agenda items only)

0:04:16 – Guests

Department/Committee Report
0:14:08 – Update from Mark Snow and David Emery on COVID 19 situation
0:04:34 – Update from Seth Deyo on Recreation Department Activities
0:18:23 – Update from Vernon Fire Chief Todd Capen on the Vernon Volunteer Fire Department

0:25:38 – III. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 18, 2020 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2020 6:30 p.m.

0:27:03 – IV. Treasurer’s Report
Bills and Warrants

New Business
0:27:41 – A. Town ZOOM Account and Committee Meeting Recordings

Old Business
1:04:44 – Solid Waste Committee joint meeting: Enter Executive Session if needed.
2:08:02 – Follow-up on Compensatory Time discussion with Town Treasurer Cindy Turnley
2:43:27 – Town Common areas: Gazebo and Memorial discussion to be rescheduled until September 1, 2020 meeting.
2:43:53 – Discussion of traffic study and VTrans opportunities to be rescheduled until September 1, 2020 meeting.

2:44:28 – Public Participation (non-agenda items only):

2:44:30 – Correspondence
Letter was sent on behalf of Select Board to Senator Bernie Sanders’ office, at his request.
Census Update-Vernon response at 72.8%, up more than 10% from 2010
COVID-19 Workers’ Comp Information

Town Administrator Report
2:52:11 – Ask that sensitivity and harassment training deadline for town staff be extended to October 31st.
2:53:20 – Request permission to begin implementation procedures for official Town of Vernon website.

2:56:56 – Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 6:30 p.m.

3:00:33 – XI. Adjournment