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News and Notices

Planning Commission to review draft master plan for Vernon Center village

Planning Commission to review draft master plan for Vernon Center village

The Vernon Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. (lower leve...

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Election Results, Nov. 6, 2018

Election Results, Nov. 6, 2018

Here are the election results as reported by Town Clerk Tim Arsenault. 903 voted out of a check...

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History of Stonehurst, Part II

History of Stonehurst, Part II

By Barbara Emery Moseley This is a continuation of Barbara’s first piece on Stonehurst du...

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A glimpse of Stonehurst in World War II

A glimpse of Stonehurst in World War II

Stonehurst about 1950 By Barbara Emery Moseley Generally, when people think of Romey and Else Ra...

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Candidate’s statement: Patrick Gilligan, Candidate for State Representative, Windham-1

Candidate’s statement: Patrick Gilligan, Candidate for State Representative, Windham-1

My name is Patrick Gilligan and I am seeking the Republican nomination for the Windham One House ...

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Continuing our story of the Withed Mill, later Bushnell’s Mill, and now George’s Mill

Continuing our story of the Withed Mill, later Bushnell’s Mill, and now George’s Mill

View of the “Old Red Mill” in 1939. By Barbara Emery Moseley During World War II, in...

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The Whithed Mill (now George’s Mill)

The Whithed Mill (now George’s Mill)

The Whithed Mill, about 1906 Leaving behind the Whithed Cemetery and that scoundrel, J. O. ...

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“J. O.” Frost, Vernon’s entrepreneur

“J. O.” Frost, Vernon’s entrepreneur

Lincoln log cabin at Central Park, Vernon VT By Barbara Emery Moseley Julius O. “J. O.&rdquo...

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