Phone: (802) 380 5234
Planning & Economic Development Commission members are appointed by the Selectboard.
Planning Commission responsibilities
The Vernon Planning Commission is responsible for periodic updates to the Town Plan, and for monitoring a variety of activities in the town to ensure compliance or compatibility with the Town Plan.
In addition, the Selectboard has charged the Planning Commission with primary oversight of economic development in the town. Under Vermont Statute Title 24, Chapter 117, Sub-Chapter 002, Sub-Section 4325, (4), town planning commissions may “…undertake capacity studies and make recommendations on matters of land development, urban renewal, transportation, economic and social development, urban beautification and design improvements, historic and scenic preservation, the conservation of energy and the development of renewable energy resources and wetland protection.”
To this end, the commission explores opportunities for economic development that are consistent with the Town Plan.
The Commission’s regular monthly meeting is on the second Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Town Office building. Meetings are open to the public and handicapped-accessible.
Vermont statutory duties and responsibilities of town planning commissions
The duties and responsibilities of municipal planning commissions are laid out in the Vermont Statutes, 24 V.S.A. § 4325.
Vermont Yankee site redevelopment
- The Planning Commission is the town's lead entity charged with planning for the eventual redevelopment of the site of the former Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, which is currently being decommissioned.
- Visit our VY site redevelopment page which tracks developments related to this process.
Town Plans
- Town Plan 2018 This is the current Town Plan.
- Town Plan 2013
Town Plan Maps (2018) — all from Windham Regional Commission
Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Vernon and Northstar
This agreement was reached between the Town and Northstar as part of the State of Vermont's approval process for the transfer of ownership of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant site to Northstar for the purpose of decommissioning the plant.