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Volunteer for Vernon! Open board positions & other volunteering opportunities are available

A number of positions are open on various boards and committees, which the Selectboard would like to fill. In addition, there are volunteering opportunities residents may want to consider. The list includes the following:

  • The Vernon Planning and Economic Development Commission has two openings. The PC meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. The PC is currently working on plans for redevelopment of the Vermont Yankee property once decommissioning is completed in 2026. The PC most recently updated the official Town Plan in 2018. It can be viewed here.
  • Two seats are available on the Cemetery Committee, which is active mostly in the spring through fall months overseeing the care of the town’s cemeteries.
  • There are three vacant positions on the Elderly Assistance Board, which coordinates assistance for seniors in need, including snowplowing assistance, helping them to stay in their homes.
  • The town has an open position as Alternate Representative to the Windham County Economic Development Program, which oversees the distribution of grants and loans to Windham County businesses from a pool of money contributed by Entergy under a settlement agreement with the state of Vermont.
  • The Tax Stabilization Committee has one vacant position. This committee is activated at times when it is necessary to renegotiate municipal tax payments with large energy-related entities in Vernon, including the owners of Vermont Yankee and the Vernon Hydroelectric Dam. During these periodic negotiations the work can be intensive; at other times the committee is essentially dormant.
  • The position of Recording Secretary for the Selectboard is vacant. No recruitment is currently taking place, but the board would consider the assistance of a volunteer secretary.
  • The Town Clerk would be glad to have the help of additional volunteers for a variety of clerical jobs in the town office.

For information on the Planning Commission openings, please be in touch with Bob Spencer, Chair, at, or call Bob at 978-479-1450. For all the other opportunities listed, please contact Wendy Harrison, Town Administrator, at, or call Wendy at (802) 257-0292, Ext. 12.