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Vernon’s Elderly Assistance Board provides snow plowing services

One of the unique benefits of living in Vernon is that the town’s Elderly Assistance Board provides free snow plowing services for year-round elderly residents with limited financial resources. Here’s how it works:

  • There is a limit of $500 in snow removal services provided to any one household during a winter. Any amount over that is the resident’s responsibility. Adjustments, up or down, to this limit may be made in the case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.
  • The EAB has a designated contractor; residents may select a different contractor with EAB’s approval, but the contractor must have proof of insurance and be registered with EAB.
  • Snow is removed at the completion of the storm and only if there is 4 inches or more of new snow. Sanding will be done when needed at the determination of the EAB.
  • Persons receiving plowing services must be at least 65 years of age or disabled, and must have lived in Vernon for at least one year. 

To apply, download and print this form, fill it out, and mail it as instructed on the form. 

To request other forms of assistance, use this form. For any questions, be in touch with Marylynn Scherlin, EAB chair ( — 802-258-3955).

Photo by Jonathan, used under Creative Commons license.