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Vernon Town Meeting warning

The legal voters of the Vernon Town are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Vernon Elementary School Gymnasium, 381 Governor Hunt Road, at 6:30 pm on Monday, March 6, 2023, in said Town to act upon Articles 4 through 23 below.

Articles 1 through 3 will be voted by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at the Town Office Building, downstairs.  Polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.

The Town Report and Auditor’s Report of the Year Ended June 30, 2022 will be available in the Town Clerk’s Office and on the website. If you would like a copy mailed to you please contact the Town Clerk.

Article 1: To elect the following Town Officers (VOTING BY AUSTRALIAN BALLOT):

Selectboard – 3 yr. Term                   Jean Carr


Selectboard – 2 yr. Term                   Ken Bloom

                                                          Brandon Bucossi

                                                          Susan Miller


Lister 3 yr. Term                               Chad Baldwin


Treasurer                                           Cindy Turnley


Delinquent Tax Collector                 Marylynn Scherlin


First Constable                                  None


Second Constable                                            None


Town Moderator                               Tim Arsenault


Article 2: Shall the Vernon voters adopt a budget of $7,650,043.00 to defray its expenses and liabilities for the 2023-2023 school year? (VOTING BY AUSTRALIAN BALLOT)

Article 3: To elect all Town School District Officers by law to be elected at the Annual Town School District Meeting Officers by law to be elected at the Annual Town School District. (VOTING BY AUSTRALIAN BALLOT)


School Director 3 yr. Term               Kerry Amidon


School Director 2 yr. Term              Sarah Deyo


School Moderator                           Tim Arsenault



Article 4: Shall the voters authorize Town General Fund expenditure for operating expenses of $2,214,819.00 of which $1,775,430.00 shall be raised by taxes, and $296,950.00 by estimated income with no carry over from FY 22-23?

Article 5: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $106,845.00 to be raised by taxes for administration of the Vernon Free Library?

Article 6: To elect a Library Trustee to fill the expired term of three years through Town Meeting of March of 2026.

Article 7: To elect a Library Trustee to fill the unexpired term of three years through Town Meeting of March 2024.


Article 8: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $1,100.00 to be raised by taxes, to fund Vernon Historians, Inc. for the expenditures related to Vernon’s historic preservation, educational promotion and required insurance?

Article 9: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $100,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Professional Services Fund”?

Article 10: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Emergency Repair/Replacement Fund”?

Article 11: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $125,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Town Road Upgrading Fund”?

Article 12: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $40,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Town Culvert Fund”?

Article 13: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $4,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Town Parking Lots Maintenance Fund”?

Article 14: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the previously established “Elderly Assistance Fund”?

Article 15: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $201,021.00 for the funding of items approved in the Capital Plan of which $164,897.55 is to be raised by taxes?

Article 16: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $14,436.44 to be raised by taxes for the Windham Solid Waste District Assessment to be raised by taxes to fund the previously established “Solid Waste Fund”?

As a member of the WSWMD the Town is assessed an annual fee, which in FY 23 will be $6,875.58 from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 and FY 24 from January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024.  This cost has increased 10% in 2024.  The Town is

obligated to pay this annual assessment unless it officially withdraws from WSWMD, which will take 2 years in accordance with the WSWMD charter from the State of Vermont.  Due to significant state mandates, particularly providing two household hazard waste collection events per year, most towns decide to

remain members of WSWMD rather than provide the mandated services on their own.

Article 17: Shall the voters appropriate funding for curbside recycling and municipal building refuse collection to be raised by taxes to fund the previously established “Solid Waste Fund”? If the Town votes to continue curbside recycling, the estimated

annual cost will be $95,975.00.00 and $7,889.20 for municipal building refuse collection.

Article 18: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 to be raised by taxes for the operation of the Emergency Management Office?

Article 19:  Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $3,250.00 to help support the home health, maternal and child health, and hospice care provided in patients’ homes and in community settings by the Visiting Nurse and Hospice for VT & NH ?

Article 20:  Shall the Town appropriate the sum of $1,850.00 to help support outpatient, mental health and substance abuse services by the staff of Health Care & Rehabilitation Services (HCRS) in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §2691?

Article 21:  Shall the voters authorize payment of Real and Personal Property taxes to the Town Treasurer in three installments, with the due dates being September 14, 2023, January 11, 2024 and May 2, 2024?

Article 22:  Shall the voters approve the provision of notice of availability of the Town Report and Auditor’s Report by “postcard, mailed to all registered voters” at least 30 days prior to Town Meeting, in lieu of mailing or otherwise distributing the Town Report and Auditor’s Report as authorized by Vermont law and 24 V.S.A. § 1682(a)(2)?

Article 23: To transact any other business that may lawfully come before said meeting.

Questions? Call us at 257-0292, email, or check the website  


New Residents Welcome!