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Vernon residents coming together

By Matthew Sorensen

Vernon has always been a tight-knit community that cares deeply for every person who calls Vernon home. This has never been more true. In a time where it feels like the world is burning our small town is a bright, shining, beacon of hope. Neighbors are helping neighbors, strangers are helping strangers. If you ask any Vernon resident that is the reason they chose to call Vernon home.

Tim Arsenault, our town clerk, is coordinating a group of volunteers to run errands for people at higher risk while also working with the school to ensure meals for kids without school lunches. The Cold Brook Store is offering delivery and curbside service on items from their store and others for people staying home. Throughout this time of crisis, it is important to appreciate what we have and remember that we are all going to get through this together.

Our town Select Board has sent out a town-wide mailing reaching out to people in need as well as people eager to help, while school buses are delivering breakfast and lunch to kids daily to make sure they eat and ease the burden on parents. “I’m touched that the school system is making sure children are getting lunch”, Tim said, “This is a team effort”. This program is taking some of the pressure off of parents through these uncertain times while making sure no kids are going hungry. If you want to sign up for the school lunch program you can sign up here.

Tim, the Select Board, and the Town Emergency Management Office have organized a list of volunteers from all around Vernon to shop and run errands for people at a higher risk with the outbreak of Covid-19. These services are going to become more essential for some people. If you need help during these tough times or feel comfortable volunteering your time to help others in our community email, or call 257-0292 extension 11 and leave a message. If you need assistance of any kind you are encouraged to reach out, it is no burden on the volunteers who are eager to help you out.

The Cold Brook Store has meant a lot to our community in the short time they have been open. They first made their mark with hot and ready to go meals and are once again making their presence felt by assisting their neighbors in this time of crisis. “We are trying to assist the public by offering delivery or curbside service and providing items that may not be available in some stores.” said the Cold Brook Store. Delivering supplies to people is going to become the new normal for a while as we all get through the Covid-19 outbreak. Having delivery in Vernon is not something that should be taken for granted, if you are interested in reaching out to them call 802-258-1579, message them on Facebook, or if you’re comfortable the store is still open. Take advantage of both of these services and try to minimize your risk as much as possible for however long these unusual circumstances last. “Enjoy the time with your family and stay calm” was the message from the Cold Brook Store.

There are other ways we can all help one another out, like by practicing social distancing. Even if you may not be particularly vulnerable we are all slowing the spread of this virus which helps everyone. You can also check in on your neighbors and loved ones to see how they are dealing with everything that is going on. We may be in this together for the long haul. Take advantage of services available to you and look out for one another. We can all get through this together if we look past the disruptions to our lives and do what is needed for the greater good. Tim Arsenault said it best, “Hang in there. We all are all experiencing the same feelings of uncertainty and worry. If you need help, please ask. If you can help, thank you. Let’s get through this together.” If any community can rally together it’s Vernon, stay safe and healthy everyone.