Vernon Town Election March 4 2025
455 Votes out of 1835 total in town.
Select board three years Sandra Harris unopposed with 381 votes
Two years Brandon Bucossi unopposed with 366 votes
One year, Shelli Dunklee Harvey by write in with 132 votes
Other write ins Don Rosinski with 63 Katherine Baldwin 27
Town Clerk Heidi Johnson Clement 319
Ian Hefele 123
School budget yes 260 no 152
Delinquent tax collector Marylynn Scherlin 216 Melissa Allen 198
Lister Jesse Jobin 299
First Constable Jesse Jobin 258
Second Constable Chad Baldwin m 316
Town Moderator Kerry Amidon 408
School director 3 years no write ins gained the necessary votes
School director 2 years Katherine Baldwin 309
School Director Write in by write in Danial Amidon with 29 write in votes
School Moderator no one with enough write in votes