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Special Selectboard meeting regarding Fire Department restructuring process

The Selectboard held a special meeting, on Thursday evening, Oct. 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., with the principal topics relating to the process of restructuring the Vernon Volunteer Fire Department following the recent suspension of its operations by the Selectboard. This meeting was organized largely as an informational meeting where residents could learn more about what’s going on, and offer their input. 

Time-Stamped Agenda:

0:00:08 – Regular Meeting / Welcome / Pledge of Allegiance

None – Additions to the Agenda

None – Open Public Comments (Agenda items only)

0:00:21 – Guests

New Business
0:01:31 – I. Informational and Q+A Session with Area Fire Chiefs and Rescue Inc.
0:10:42 – II. Restructuring of Vernon EMS
0:16:00 – III. Fire Department Restructuring Advisory Committee Appointments
0:17:35 – IV. Tasks and Mission for Advisory Committee
0:20:34 – V. Recreation Department use of gazebo area for Halloween Display

None – Public Comments (non agenda items only)