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Selectboard Meeting October 6, 2020

Here is the October 6th Selectboard meeting.  Scroll down for time-stamped agenda.  Minutes will be here  when available.

0:00:08 – Call to Order

0:00:13 – Regular Meeting / Welcome

0:00:44 – Additions to the Agenda

0:01:41 – Chairs Remarks

0:02:03 – Open Public Comments (Agenda items only)

0:02:09 – Guests

0:02:24 – Department/Committee Report
Update from Mark Snow and David Emery on COVID 19 situation.

0:21:38 – Approval of Minutes
September 15, Regular Meeting
September 16, Budget Meeting
September 16, Emergency Meeting
September 20, Emergency Meeting
September 30, Budget Meeting

0:23:25 – Treasurer’s Report
0:29:20 – Bills and Warrants: Accounts payable –

New Business
0:46:10 – I. Joint Meeting with Capital Plan Committee
a. Discuss Needs Assessment Planning
b. Establish Direction based on Assessment
1:16:28 – II. Property Management Discussion
1:59:21 – III. Town Administrator Recruitment Discussion
0:32:22 – IV. Fire Dept. Gas Cards
0:42:37 – V. Rec Board Appointment

IV. Old Business
1:23:16 – 1. Town Office re-opening discussion
1:32:00 – 2. Discussion on South School Annex Roof / Ceiling
1:50:58 – 3. EMS Update
1:57:15 – 4. Preschool

2:01:27 – III. Public Participation (non-agenda items only)

None – Correspondence

2:01:33 – Town Administrator Report –

2:01:36 – Upcoming Meeting Schedule
October 7, Budget Meeting
October 20, Regular Selectboard Meeting
October 21, Budget Meeting

2:02:03 – Adjournment