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Selectboard Meeting November 17, 2020

Here is the Selectboard meeting for November 17, 2020.  Minutes will be here when available.  Please scroll down for an annotated agenda.

0:00:09 – Call to Order Regular Meeting

0:01:20 – Additions to the Agenda

0:00:45 – Chair’s Remarks

0:00:22 – Guests

Department/Committee Reports:
0:19:20 – BDCC Update—R.T. Brown
0:02:44 – Dave Emery, EMD and Mark Snow, Health Agent – COVID -19 Update
0:05:11 – Alex Dunklee – Fire Dept. Update

0:27:38 – Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting – November 3, 2020

0:29:20 – Treasurer’s Report
10-T Accounts Payable–$290,490.74 44S Payroll–$7,233.97
45S Payroll–$6,658.65

New Business
0:30:11 – Renaud Gravel Quarry Development at 283 Fort Bridgman Rd.-Act 250 Municipal Impact Questionnaire
0:36:53 – Cindy Turnley, Treasurer- Request from School Board
0:46:06 – Listers’ Report of Errors & Omissions
a. Property transferred from VT Yankee to Friends of Vernon Center
b. Property owned by VTel Wireless

Old Business
0:47:21 – Recycling Program
Consideration of Stickers vs. Bags for Curbside Recycling Program
Amendment to Recycling Program—residential vs. commercial users and quantity limits

0:48:28 – Consideration of Annex Roof Repair Estimate by Dan Harris of $750.

0:54:13 – Snow Clearing at Town Hall

0:54:55 – Public Participation (non-agenda items only)

0:55:03 – Town Administrator Report

0:56:24 – Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Selectboard Special Budget Meeting—Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Selectboard Regular Meeting—Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Selectboard Special Budget meeting—Wednesday, December 2, 2020

0:56:43 – Adjournment