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Selectboard Meeting July 7, 2020

Minutes will be here once available. Please scroll down for time-stamped agenda.

0:00:08 – Call to Order Regular Meeting
0:00:16 – Regular Meeting/Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
0:00:42 – Additions to the Agenda
0:00:59 – Chair Remarks
0:01:02 – Open Public Comments (Agenda items only)
0:01:48 – Guests

Department/Committee Reports
0:02:41 – a. Dave Emery, EMD and Mark Snow, Health Agent – COVID-19 Update
0:12:02 – b. Seth Deyo – update on Rec departmental programs

0:12:53 – Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting – Jun 2, 2020

0:14:33 – Treasurer’s Report
Bills and Warrants

Payroll – $

New Business
0:15:40 – a. No Overnight Camping/Parking signs/ordinance for Lily Pond (Town Property)
tabled – b. Abandon Property Removal Ordinance Discussion
0:16:09 – c. Compensatory Time discussion with Treasurer
0:26:15 – d. Closing Barrows Road on Primary Election Day

Old Business
0:27:31 – a. Fire Department Mower Purchase
0:35:43 – b. Existing Ordinance review and enforcement
0:36:45 – c. Discussion and decision of Joining the Broadband District

0:48:13 – EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel

0:50:34 – Public Participation (non agenda items only)
0:50:39 – Upcoming Meeting Schedule

0:51:10 – Adjournment