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Selectboard Meeting January 19, 2021

Here is the Selectboard Meeting from January 19, 2021
Minutes will be here when available.
Please scroll down for annotated agenda.

0:00:08 – Call to Order Regular Meeting

0:00:17 – Additions to the Agenda

0:00:55 – Chair’s Remarks

0:00:58 – Open Public Comments (Agenda items only)

0:01:10 – Guests

Department/Committee Reports:
0:01:23 – Dave Emery, EMD and Mark Snow, Health Agent – COVID -19 Update
0:09:32 – Alex Dunklee, Fire Chief. Update on Fire Department

0:19:42 – Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting – January 5, 2021

0:20:38 – Treasurer’s Report
14-T Accounts Payable- $ 1,241,396.96 1S Payroll- $ 8,169.19
2S Payroll- $ 7,618.64

New Business
0:22:30 – 1. Consideration of Highway Mileage Certification—David Walker, Highway Superintendent
0:23:06 – 2. Consideration of Advertising Request for Proposals for Planning and Analysis of re-use and
development opportunities of VT Yankee site

Old Business
0:25:12 – 1. Final Approval of 21-22 Budget
0:26:30 – 2. Tim Arsenault, Town Clerk—Consideration of Warning and Schedule for Town Meeting

0:34:53 – Executive Session (if necessary)

0:36:08 – Public Participation (non-agenda items only)

0:36:20 – Town Administrator Report

0:37:21 – Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Selectboard Special Meeting—Tuesday, January 26, 6:30 pm
Selectboard Regular Meeting—Tuesday, February 2, 6:30 pm

0:37:39 – Adjournment