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Selectboard Meeting December 15, 2020

Here is the Vernon Selectboard Meeting from December 15, 2020
Minutes are available here. Scroll down for annotated agenda.

0:00:08​ – Call to Order Regular Meeting

0:00:20​ – Additions to the Agenda

0:01:08​ – Chair’s Remarks

0:01:19​ – Open Public Comments (Agenda items only)

Department/Committee Reports:
0:01:27​ – 1. Dave Emery, EMD and Mark Snow, Health Agent – COVID -19 Update

0:08:29​ – Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting – December 1, 2020

Treasurer’s Report
0:09:39​ – Warrant:
12-T Accounts Payable- $71,579.00
48S Payroll- $6,998.06
49S Payroll- $7,138.84

0:10:32​ – New Business
Discuss Options for 2021 Town Meeting—Petition Requirements, Australian Ballot, Schedule, Location, Timing under COVID conditions

Old Business
0:34:52​ – 1. Recycling Program Consideration of Mailing to Residents

0:36:59​ – 2. Review of Description for Property Management Services including Building Cleaning and Maintenance, Mowing, Snow Plowing and Clearing for Town Hall property

0:53:02​ – Public Participation (non-agenda items only)

0:45:24​ – Town Administrator Report

0:49:50​ – Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Selectboard Special Budget Meeting—Wednesday, December 16, 6:30 pm
Selectboard Regular Meeting—Tuesday, January 5, 6:30 pm
0:59:42​ – Adjournment