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Please complete a Citizen Survey about broadband internet service!

From Bronna Zlochiver and Munson Hicks, town liaisons to the Windham Regional Commission:

Broadband survey responses due in March!

Beginning in February, Vernon residents will be asked to complete surveys requesting information about their current broadband service.  Completing the survey is the only way to assure Vernon’s current and future broadband business and personal needs will be evaluated against other Vermont towns.  With a March submission deadline, time is of the essence if Vernon wants a seat at the table.

This survey launches a statewide effort to create Communications Union Districts (CUD’s) so communities can work together to bring high speed internet service to all of Vermont.  Many towns in the state have limited service or no service at all.

The purpose of the survey is to find out the current profile of service in Vernon. Essentially, you will be asked to let the commission know these five things about your internet service-

  1. Where do you live?
  2. What have you got for service now?
  3. What do you need for service?
  4. What do you want for service in the future?
  5. What might you be willing to pay for that service?

All of this information is crucial for the town to be able to decide what our internet access will be like for the next 50-100 years.

As technology moves forward at the speed of light (literally), towns need to prepare for the future now.

Once this information is collected and analyzed, the town will get the chance to decide what to do — stay with what we have, create a CUD with other towns, or pursue our own broadband internet service.

By law, none of these proposals or improvements can be done with taxpayer funds, so there will be no effect on tax rates.

We hope to have a large response from the town so that the town can make informed decisions for the future of the town.

We are also eager to have volunteer help to get this done!

More information can be found a here on the Windham Regional Commission website.