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Notice of petition to return compostable recycling bins


A petition will be circulated to place an Article on the warrant for Town Meeting in 2021 aimed at restoration of a drop-off collection site for food residuals and other compostable waste materials. 

At least 95 signatures are needed.  The petition, signatures, and article must be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office by 5:00 p.m. on January 14th, 2021.

If you are interested in assisting this effort by signing the petition and/or circulating it for others to sign, please call Sandra Rulewich at 413-387-9902.

The Article will read as follows:

A. Shall the voters of Vernon direct the Selectboard to restore to the community a drop-off collection site for food residuals and other compostable waste materials?

B. Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $12,000* to be raised by taxes to fund restoration and operation of a “drop-off collection site for food residuals and other compostable waste materials?”

*Note: The amount of $12,000 is likely to be sufficient, but is still being finalized, so the actual amount on the petition may be different, but in the same ballpark.