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March 2 town election warning

Applications for early ballots in Vernon’s March 2 election are now being accepted. Please e-mail, use, or call the office between 7 and 5 Monday through Thursday. Voting, with masks and social distancing, will take place downstairs at Vernon Town Hall from 7 AM until 7 PM on Tuesday March 2. The rest of town meeting has been postponed until the week of May 10, due to the ongoing Covid pandemic. A time and place will be announced at least 30 days in advance of the meeting. If you have not registered to vote, or just want to check if you are registered, please contact the Town Clerk’s office.

The following is the Warning for the election, including the names of candidates for office:


The legal voters of the Vernon Town and Vernon Town School District are hereby notified and warned of the Town Meeting to be held March 2, 2021.

Voting on Town Meeting Article 1 and School District Articles 2 and 3 will be by Australian Ballot at the Town Office Building (downstairs) on Tuesday, March 02, 2021. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

The annual meeting is planned to recess until it is safe to meet in person and in compliance with COVID-19 restrictions. The Selectboard has agreed to conduct the remainder of the meeting the week of May 10, 2021 at a date and location in the Town to be determined. A formal warning with the location, date and time will be posted between 30 and 40 days before the meeting.

ARTICLE 1: To elect the following Town Officers by AUSTRALIAN BALLOT:

Selectboard – 2 yr Term………………. … Katherine Baldwin

………………………………………………  Ken Bloom

……………………………………………… Jeffrey Dunklee

Selectboard – 3 yr Term…………………   Michael Root

Lister – 3 yr Term……………………………William Hammond

Town Moderator – 1 yr Term……………….Timothy Arsenault

Delinquent Tax Collector – 1 yr Term………Marylynn Scherlin 

1st Constable 1 yr Term………………..…..Jesse Jobin

2nd Constable 1 yr Term…….……………..Jonathan Bratton

ARTICLE 2: To elect all Town School District Officers by law to be elected at the Annual Town School District Meeting by AUSTRALIAN BALLOT:

School Board – 2 yr Term…………………. Kerry Amidon

School Board – 3 yr Term……\..………….. Hannah Rosinski

Town School District Moderator…………….Timothy Arsenault

ARTICLE 3: Shall the voters of the Vernon Town School District authorize the School Board to expend $6,315,848, which is the amount the Vernon Town School Board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $17,638 per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 2.7% higher than spending for the current year.


The Town Report for fiscal year 2020 is available for download: click here.

Printed reports are available at the Town Office. Call or email the office to arrange to pick up a copy.