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How’s your internet?

In the November 2020 edition of the Vernon Community News, we told you about the formation of the Deerfield Valley Communications Union District (DVCUD), doing business as DVFiber, a municipal business with a mission to provide high-speed Internet for all homes, businesses, and organization in the current 19-town district in southern Vermont.  

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing and the possibility of schools and businesses returning to online operations, our need for equitable, reliable, affordable, Internet service continues.  

Prior to the appearance of COVID, a quicker Internet connection might have been considered a promising addition to our increasingly interconnected lives. Now, it is commonly understood to be a stark necessity. For education. For healthcare. For work. 

DVFiber’s values are equity, performance, affordability, reliability, and privacy. For more about DVFiber, visit

On July 5, 2020, the Selectboard approved Vernon’s joining DVCUD and appointed Munson Hicks and Bronna Zlochiver as representatives to the district.

There is an enormous amount of work to be done to secure broadband for Vernon and this part of Vermont. You can learn more by visiting  Contact Munson or Bronna if you have specific skills that you’d like to offer the effort. We can be reached at or, respectively.

In an effort to connect with residents throughout the district, we have launched a quarterly newsletter. We invite you to read it and subscribe. Follow this link.

DVFiber now has a Facebook page. If you use Facebook, please Like the page (search for DVFiber, or follow this link.) and watch for more news of DVFiber’s growth and progress in the Vernon Community News, on the unofficial website, and on the Vernon Facebook Group page.