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Helping others during pandemic

By Matt Sorensen

While we are struggling during what feels like a scene straight out of a movie it is important to remember our community. While it may feel like your life has been completely flipped upside down it is important to have perspective and remember that everyone else’s lives have also taken a drastic turn. Now is the time to rally together, forget any past squabbles, and become a stronger, healthier community. We all have a role to play in getting through this and we can do it together.

Leadership comes at a premium these days but we are all capable of being leaders during this pandemic. Whether that’s being a leader in your own family, in our community or for yourself being a leader can make a difference. Doing your part to stay home and limit your risk will not only make you and those around you safer but may inspire others to follow your lead. If you’re a parent, leading with confidence through all the uncertainty will make a difference in your young kid’s lives. If you find yourself feeling down or scared try to make the best of your new circumstances. Find time to enjoy yourself while respecting health guidelines and try to stay in touch with people you can no longer physically be around. People tend to mirror the actions of those around them if you have a positive outlook on your new reality that may make a bigger difference in your friends, family, or neighbors’ lives than you may know.

While it may be easy to have a narrow-minded outlook on this situation the reality is that this is affecting millions of people around the world. The world is in need and if you have the ability or the means to help everything counts right now. Nonprofits everywhere are trying to feed children cut off from their free school lunches, get hospitals access to much-needed supplies, and find a vaccine or cure for this horrible virus. If you have the means so many organizations are desperate for help and any donation would make a difference. The American Red Cross is also running low on blood donations for people in life-threatening need. This virus is shaking up the entire healthcare system and hurting more than just the people infected. If you feel comfortable giving blood is another way you can have a positive impact on this awful situation.

While the entire world is standing still right now it is important to remember that we are in this together. As cliche as it sounds no one is going to get through this alone and we all need each other right now. This virus doesn’t care about the color of your skin, what religion you practice, or who you support politically. Right now, people all around the world are realizing that and coming together. We can only control our response to the hand we have been dealt; we cannot influence the dealer. If we all play our part, step up for those that we love as well as those that we don’t know we will all get through this together.