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Clerk’s corner: Primaries, early voting, voter registration, dog licensing

From Tim Arsenault, Town Clerk:

We’ve been getting plenty of requests for Presidential Primary ballots. Yes, we have them in. According to Vermont law, you must declare whether you want a Democratic or Republican party ballot for the primary. The annual town officer election and school budget vote is the same day. We do not have those ballots in yet, and we expect them from the printer by the second week of February.

If you’d like a ballot, please stop by, call, or e mail the Town Clerk’s office. You can even request one by logging in to .  All ballots must be returned by 7 PM on Tuesday March 3.


Town election candidates: See list at bottom of this post.

Vernon’s annual Town Meeting will be the night before, March 2 beginning at 6:30 PM at the Vernon School.

Are you registered to vote? Please call the office and check 257 0292. If you have already registered to vote, you do not have to again. You can also register at the polls.

If you are not yet 18 years old, but will become 18 years old before the November 3 election, you may register to vote as a 17-year-old in both the Presidential primary next month and the state primary in August. This application will serve as a written notice of intent to apply before the deadline for registration. Your registration will become active on the day you turn 18. Note that you cannot take the Voters’ Oath until you are 18, so the oath section should not be filled out.

It’s also dog licensing season, as Vermont law requires all dogs over 6 months of age to be registered by April 1. Proof of rabies vaccination is required at the time of licensing. The cost is 9 dollars for Spayed or neutered dogs, and 13 for not. After the deadline, the cost becomes 11 for spayed/neutered dogs, and 17 for not. If you update your rabies status during the year, bring in a copy or have your vet fax it to 254 3561, or e mail to

Town and School District Officers being voted March 3:

Select Board  3 year Jean Carr
Select board 2 year Christopher Parker
Town Treasurer Cindy Turnley
Lister Chad Baldwin
Town Moderator 1 year Timothy Arsenault
First Constable Jesse Jobin
Second Constable NO CANDIDATE
Delinquent Tax Collector Marylynn Scherlin
Town Agent 1 year NO CANDIDATE
Grand Juror 1 year NO CANDIDATE
School Board 3 years Chad Mulverhill
School Board 2 years NO CANDIDATE
School moderator 1 year Timothy Arsenault

Also on the March 3 ballot is the following question:

Shall the voters of the Vernon Town School District authorize the School Board to expand $6,353,800, which is the amount the Vernon School Board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? It is determined that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $17,178.00 per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 5.8% higher than spending for the current year