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A Town Picnic update

From Hannah Gantt, organizer of the Vernon Town Picnic and Fireworks:

I am looking for people who are willing to serve on a committee to help organize the Town Picnic and Fireworks. Many hands last year made lighter work and was much appreciated! But I can not do it alone this year, so please sign up to help out!

The picnic happens on June 27. I’m hoping to have the first meeting early in March, and then monthly or possibly bi-weekly as we get closer. 

We have $1,389 in funding available; to put on fireworks, we’ll need a minimum of $5,000. Anyone who is able to contribute can do so by donating at the Treasurer’s office, earmark your donation for “Town Picnic” in the memo line.

To volunteer, or with questions/suggestions, please contact me at (802)579-2279 or

Photo by Tony Gumbel. Used under Creative Commons License.