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A mid-session update from State Rep. Sara Coffey

Dear Neighbors,

It’s been great to be back home last week for Town Meeting. I appreciate how, in Vermont, we have such a forum where everyone is welcome to speak their minds and engage in civic dialogue as we review budgets and respectfully debate the issues with our neighbors. This year I enjoyed talking with folks in Vernon and Guilford and hearing about their thoughts on the issues and some of the challenges that people are facing. The feedback is critical to the work I do in Montpelier.

It was so heartening to see the robust attendance at Town Meeting and reading and hearing about the great work happening in Vernon.  I appreciated having time on the agenda at Town Meeting to share a legislative update. If you were not able to pick up my Town Meeting report I reformatted it for easy viewing, and you can find it here

My mid-session report will give folks snapshot of some of the highlights from the first eight weeks of the session. So far in the House we have passed legislation to address climate change, to modernize Act 250, to create a legal retail market for cannabis among others. When we return next week the legislature will be focusing on the impending crossover deadline and will be debating and voting on bills that have come out of the 14 House Committees including the FY21 budget. So far, in the 2019-2020 biennium, 935 bills have been introduced in the House and 339 in the Senate. Of these 100 bills have won full passage and 97 have been enacted into law.

Some of the work we do is ground-breaking, and some of it is in the fine details, but all of it is in an effort to help Vermont families and communities thrive. The legislature is expected to adjourn in mid-May but my work in the community continues year-round – so please be in touch if you have any questions or help you connect with government agencies or services.

It’s an honor to serve the people of Guilford and Vernon in the Vermont Assembly, and I appreciate your support.

with best wishes,

Sara Coffey
State Representative
Windham-1/ Guilford & Vernon

House Committee on Corrections & Institutions, Room 33
House Seat 60
Home: 802-257-0288
Mailing address: 542 Fitch Road, Guilford, VT 05301